Discovery of nanowire assemlby machinery is selected for the Cover
On the cover: In oxygen-deprived environments, such as in deep oceans or underground, Geobacter bacteria...
I am excited to start the year with a paper about the machinery that assembles bacterial nanowires! Led by the super-talented Cong Shen, Aldo Salazar-Morales, Yangqi Gu, Joey...
Nature Communications paper on periplasmic cytochromes acting as electrical “plugs” to turbocharge nanowires! Beautiful NMR by Carlos Salguiro, led by our team of PhD...
Our lab’s work was highlighted on the cover of Yale’s Eli Magazine!
Protein Data Bank has selected Geobacter cytochrome nanowires as Molecule of the Month with highlighting our Nature and Cell Papers. Check out the beutiful rendition by...
Our efforts to develop commercial applications of protein nanowires has been , Selected in for Humanity campaign - Yale’s most ambitious fundraising effort! The campaign is...
Our group is one of 25 international groups to receive the Human Frontier Science Program award to control bacteria using protein nanowires with a truly dream team of Olivera...