
September 2024

Nikhil give a talk at the Big Quantum Biology series. Thank you Prof. Clarice Aiello for the wonderful oppourtiny.

Lab welcomes Marina Zernic and James Nidetz who are joing as Ph.D. rotation students!

Lab received Dept. of Energy grant!

March 2024

Lab welcomes Yixuan Chen and Jonmatthew Bile who are joing as Ph.D. students!

Lab welcomes four undergradute students

  • Agamony Saha (Yale Chemistry)
  • Paloma Lenz (Yale Biomedical Engineering)
  • Talia Kolodkin (Yale, Molecular Cellular & Developmental Biology)
  • Anwesha Dutta Khorana Scholar

Nature Communications paper on periplasmic cytochromes acting as electrical “plugs” to turbocharge nanowires! Beautiful NMR by Carlos Salguiro, led by our team of PhD students Pilar Portela, Catharine Shipps, Cong Shen & Vishok Srikanth.  One-sentence Summary

Press: EurekAlert! Yale Insights, Portugal News, Pupular Mechanics, SciTechDaily, Physics World. Behind the Paper in Nature Microbiology community

Our lab’s work was highlighted on the cove of Yale’s Eli Magazine!

February 2024

Protein Data Bank has selected Geobacter cytochrome nanowires as Molecule of the Month with highlighting our Nature and Cell Papers.  Check out the beutiful rendition by David Goodsell!

January 2024

Welcome Jonmatthew Bile who is rotating in the lab this semester!

Our collaborative work led by Peter Dahl on biofilm formation mechanism with Yildiz (UCSC) and Jun Liu is published in mBio!

Our efforts  to develop commercial applications of protein nanowires has been , Selected in for Humanity campaign - Yale’s most ambitious fundraising effort! The campaign is guided by Yale’s mission to improve the world now and for future generations. Yale is making investments for the greatest impact, ensuring that our faculty and students have the support they need as they tackle the most critical challenges facing humankind. This campaign builds on our unique strengths, and its four priority areas encompass the people, programs, and projects at Yale that expand our potential to make a difference around the globe.

Congratulations Yixuan Chen for presenting awesome rotation talk combining experiments and computations!

September 2023

Congratulation Peter Dahl who is starting a postdoc at National Renewable Energy Laboratory!

August 2023

Excited to be part of this wonderful  BioRxiv collaboration with Banfield Lab and Oxford Nanopore  to identify archaeal cytochrome OmcZ nanowire assembly machinery in new methane-oxidizers & their giant extracromosomal elecments called Borgs, where Cong Shen realizes our prediction in Nature Microbiology­ paper led by Yangqi Gu that Nanowires are Everywhere!  Tweetorial

Please also see our Nature Chemical Biology  paper led by Sibel Ebru Yalcin about how we first discovered OmcZ nanowires!

July 2023

Congratulations to former graduate student Yangqi Gu for European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Fellowship (2023-2025)!

May 2023

Five awesome PhDs in one year! Congratulations to Drs. Cong Shen,  Aldo Salazar-Morale, Peter Dahl, Catharine Shipps, and Vishok Srikanth! Richly deserved. It was a great honor and privilege to serve as your mentor! All the best for the future!

Lab receives the Climate Impact Innovation Award. Here is a list of awardees.

Chemistry World  mentions lab’s  Nature Communications paper on the living photoconductors for potential applications in catalysis.

April 2023

Cogratulations Dr. Cong Shen for stellar PhD Defense!
Lab receives the Human Frontier Science Program award to control bacteria using protein nanowires with a truly dream team Olivera Fracetic, Lisa Craig and Carlos Salgueiro. (EurekAlert!) (Yale News)
Congratulations Vishok Srikanth for receiving the Mary Ellen Jones Dissertation Prize for the most distinguished dissertation in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry!
Congratulations to Anthony Caoelho for winning fellowship from NIH Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (NIH-PREP) (About)

March 2023

Congratulations to Peter Dahl and Aldo Salazar-Morales for successfully defending their PhD thesis!

February 2023

Nature Microbiology­ paper on the structure, assembly and function of OmcZ nanowires is out! Congrautlations Yangqi gu and the team! 

Press: EurekAlert! Behind the Paper in Nature Micro.& Nature Bioengineering, Dutch Science Magazine Scientias with English translation. Interesting engineering.

January 2023

Science Advances paper on the mechanism of conductivity in OmcS nanowires is highlighted in Yale Scientific! Congratulations Peter Dahl and the team!

December 2022

Our lab with Olivera Francetic lab (Pasteur Institue) is one of the  five teams to receive the NSF-ANR award!  

Peter’s collaborative work with Mike Murell and Themis Kyriakides labs on how diabatic cells show higher stiffness is published in Scientific Reports !

September 2022

Congratulations Sibel Ebru Yalcin for following three honors!

Congratulations Dr. Vishok and Dr. Catharine for defending their PhD thesis with flying colors!

Nature Communications paper on the suprisingly ultrafast electron transfer in OmcS nanowires giving rise to photoconductivity in living biofilms wihtout any need for photosensitizers.

Press Release, Yale Today, Interesting engineering,  Yale Highlight, Dutch New Scientist with English translation

Selected as Editor’s Highlight among the 50 best Nature Communications papers in Inorganic & Physical Chemistry.

Led by Jens and Catharine, Matthew, Sibel wth Cong, and Vishok  with Prof. Brudvig and Prof. Batista.

May 2022

Science Advances paper on the mechanism of conductivity in OmcS nanowires.  Press Release. Selected for Monthly Yale News.  Selected for news highlight by International Center for Theoretical Physics.

Led by Peter with Sophia, Yangqi, Catharine, Jens, Matthew, Sibel and Batista Lab.

April 2022

Check out Peter’s recent paper in Nature Neuroscience in collaboration with Duy Phan and Kris Kahle. We showed that some forms of hydrocephalus (fluid in the brain) are due to decresed stiffness of the brain affecting development rather than dysregulation of fluid flow as clasically believed.   Press and Tweetorial

Congratulations Hanwen for winning President’s Fellowship!

February 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Yangqi Gu  on a stellar thesis defense! Very proud of you!

January 2022

Check out our latest publication in Nature Communications on how to turn E-coli pili into wires using non-natural amino acids with click chemistry functionality.  With Isaacs and Batista lab. Led by Dan Shapiro, Guna Mandava, Sibel Ebru Yalcin with critical help from many members of the lab

Congratulations Matthew for NIH F32 fellowship!

December 2021

Catharine’s image is selected for the journal cover!

Commentary on proton-coupled electron transfer is published in Biochemical Journal Congratulations Matthew for leading this effort!

September 2021

Pili work is published in NatureNews & Views

Tweetorial & Structure Tour Press:Yale News, EurekAlert! Yale Today Best of the Week and Live Science

Recommended on Faculty Opinions

Congratulations Yangqi and Vishok for leading this work with help from Aldo and all coauthors.

August 2021

Nikhil is selected as a Public Voices Fellow by the OpED project.

July 2021

Welcome back Guna who is starting as a postgraduuate in the lab!

Welcome to Bianca, Jerry and Hanwen for their undergraduate summer research!

June 2021

Congruatulations Guna who is awarded Paul Sigler Prize for excellence in scholarship and research- the highest honor for MB&B undergraduates

Congruatulations Yangqi for being nominated by Yale for Google’s Schmidt Science Fellowship in partnership with Rhodes Trust.

Congratulations  Maria do Pilar Castillo Portela who has received Fulbright Scholarship to visit us from Portugal!

Welcome Andrew (Andy) Rodriguez! Andy is joing the lab as MB&B PhD student from BQBS track.

Nikhil is invited to present at Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Symposium on Genetically-encoded and bioinspired materials science , Honolulu, Hawai’I, May 7 – 13, 2022.

May 2021

Yale Office of Corporate Research HighlightsLab’s work in the  newsletter.  Faculty Spotlight 

Nikhil has received Blavatnik Award to develop protein-nanowire-based sensors. Thank you Blavatnik Fund for Innovation! Press Release.

Nikhil is selected as a a Camille Dreyfus Teacher-ScholarPress Release Thank you Dreyfus Foundation! Yale Highlight

Congratulations Guna Mandava for successfully defending his BS-MS thesis!

April 2021

Congratulations Guna Mandava for 1st prize in Yale Seniors Showcase 2021!

Congratulations Catharine Shipps for receiving BBS graduate student fellowship for her academic achievements and service to Yale and the community. This fellowship is to honor the memory of former BBS graduate student Annie Le.  Annie displayed unique and wonderful attributes, and the fellowship recognizes BBS students who exemplify traits similar to Annie’s.

Congratulations Ronald Hood for winning the prestigious Goldwater ScholarshipMBB Dept. press release & Yale Press Release

Congratulations Hanwen Zhang for Yale College Research Fellowship!

February 2021

Welcome to BQBS graduate student Anjana Kammath who is rotating in the lab this semester.

Welcome to freshmans Hanwen Zhang and Hyerim Bianca Nam!

January 2021

Roadmap on biofilms published in Physical Biology.  Thank you Prof. Gerard Wong for this wonderful opporunity to contribute!

PNAS publication on how electrons travel far in proteins  is highlighted by Yale Today

Peter Dahl is selected for a National Graduate Student Symposium and Future Fellow Research Conference at St. Jude Medical Center.  Congratulations!

Welcome to Zion Perry and Welcome back Andrew Rodriguez  who are rotating in the lab.

Nikhil is selected as a finalist for The Blavatnik Fund for Innovation to develop protein-nanowire-based sensors. Here is the link for PitchFest!

December 2020

Please see our latest PNAS publication on how electrons travel far in proteins - by partnering with protons!

Press Release


American Society of Microbiology Podcast about our work on nanowires: This week in Microbiology (Starts 16:30 minutes) 

Nanowire work is highlighted in NBC-SYFY

November 2020 Nanowire work is highlighted in Scientific American

October 2020  Welcome BQBS rotation student Christian Freniere! 

Nikhl serves on a panel for new professors moderated by Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the FAS Larry Gladne. Here is he aricle by Yale Daily News.

Review on microbial nanowires is published in Current Opinion in Chemical Biology

OmcZ nanowire paper is highlighted by Oxford Instruments & Nature Research

September 2020  News and Views article about OmcZ nanowire paper. Thank you Prof. Tom Clarke and Marcus Edwards!                                News Story by Live Science

Aldo Salazar Morales is nominated by Yale for HHMI fellowship! We will keep our fingers crossed!
Vishok Srikanth is selected as Outstanding Teaching Fellow. Congratulations!
Patrick O’Brien presented his PhD Thesis Defense. Congratulations Dr. O’Brien!
August 2020 
OmcZ nanowire paper published in Nature Chemical Biology. Yale Press release.
Story “Behind the Paper” in Nature Bioengineering and Microbiology Community.
Congratulations Joey Erwin for passing qualifying exam with flying colors!
July 2020 

Lab receives NSF Early-Concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) grant!

Sibel’s work on imaging water molecules is published in Science Advances
May 2020  Animations available for the Cell paper on OmcS Structure  Interactive 3D complement
Congratulations Guna Mandava for winning Yale Dean’s and Richter Fellowships for summer research!
Congratulations also to Ronald Hood and Jerry Ruvalcaba for summer research fellowships!
March 2020 Welcome Joey Erwin who is starting his PhD work in our lab as MB&B student!
Congratulations to summer student Titir De who is starting a PhD at NYU. All the best!
January 2020
Welcome to Gabriel Belem deandrade (MCGD track) who is rotating in the lab this semester.
Welcome to Yuri Londer  who is starting as a Research Scientist!
December 2019
Congratulations Lauren Delgado for the Science, Technology, and Research Scholars II (STARS II) fellowship!
Nikhil presented at American Geophysical Union’s  Centennial session. Thank you Estella Atekwana for the invitation and Tamas Varga for the picture
August 2019
Andy Rodriguez received Outstanding Oral Presentation and Outstanding Poster Award at REU meeting. Congratulations!
July 2019
Welcome Dr. Fadel Samatey who is joining the lab as a research Scientist.
Welcome Dr. Matthew.guberman-pfeffer who is joining the lab as a postdoc jointly with Prof. Victor Batista group.

June 2019

Welcome to summer students Guna Mandava, Ronald Hood, Michelle Lee, Andy Rodriguez and Titie De .

April 2019- OmcS nanowire structure paper published in Cell. Congratulations Yangqi on his first, first-author paper!

Yale press release. Eureka Alert;  Highlights: New York Times,  Nature Chemical Biology and Proteopedia

Catharine received NDSEG fellowship. Congratulations!! Yale Press release; 
Welcome Aldo Salazar Morales who is starting his PhD work in our lab.
January  2019- Welcome Dr. Xinlong Ren who is joining the lab as a postdoc.
September 2018 - Welcome to Dr. Ruchi Jain who will be joining the lab as Associate Research Scientist!
Welcome to Micro track graduate students Andrew Verdegaalb and Lizzy Nand  who are rotating in lab this semester!
April 2018 - Nikhil receives NSF CAREER Award.  Press release by Yale.
Nikhil is giving a talk at TIFR, Mumbai, India . Thank you Dr. Jyotishman Dasgupta for this kind invitation and honor!
Welcome to Peter Dahl, Vishok Srikanth and Catharine Shipps who have joined the lab!
February 2018 -  Nikhil presented a talk at Rice University’s Center for Theoretical Biological Physics. Thank you Professor Herbert Levine for the invitation!
January 2018 -Welcome to BBSB graduate student Sachita Ganesa who is rotating in lab this semester.
Nikhil is an invited speaker for the focus session on Coherence and Quantum Aspects of Living Systems at American Physical Society’s annual meeting. Nikhil’s abstract. Sibel and Peter are also presenting in the same session!
December 2017 -  Winston will be an intern at Yale Investments Office. Congratulations!
November 2017 - Congratulations Yangqi for passing the qualifying exam!

October 2017 - Congratulations Winston for selection in Tau Beta Pi, the prestigious engineering honor society restricted to 12.5% Yale juniors!

 Nikhil receives NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Press release by Yale News.
Nikhil presents a talk at Departments of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, & Medicine, Duke University hosted by Professor Raphael Valdivia, Vice Dean, Duke University.
 Nikhil is an invited speaker for Hartwell Foundation Annual Research Meeting.
Welcome to Sibel Ebru Yalcin! She joins us as associate research scientist from Pacific Northwest National Lab.
September 2017 - Welcome to BBSB graduate student Vishok Srikanth who is rotating in lab this semester.
Congratulations to Sophia for winning the best poster award at the MB&B retreat! Congratulations also to Dennis for winning the MB&B art competition!

Welcome to BBSB graduate students Peter Dahl and Catharine Shipps who are rotating in lab this semester.

 Welcome to Nuzzrath Mohamed Jabarullad (Hazeena) who is visiting student from National Institute of Singapore.

Welcome to Physics Senior Daniel Shapiro who will be working jointly with Farren Issaacs Lab.

July 2017- Nikhil was a keynote speaker for Gordon Research Seminar - Microbial Adhesion and Signal Transduction

May 2017 - Nikhil receives Hartwell Foundation Research Award.

May 2017 - Welcome to Cong ! He joins us from the Microbiology program.

Winston is selected for Stanford’s Future Leaders Program !

Congratulations Yangqi for prize in 3 minute thesis competition!

Congratulations Patrick for receiving NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in Biophysics! MB&B news release

January 2017- Nikhil receives Hood Foundation Child Health Research Award. Yale Press Release

Department of Energy selected our pili structure paper as Highlight of the Year

Yale News articles about our lab

Yale School of Medicine

West Campus

Press release on our paper “Structural basis for metallic-like conductivity” Eureka Alert

Press release on our paper on Imaging electric charge propagating along bacterial proteins Eureka Alert